A podcast

with alcohol, books, and lots of laughter.

Evelyne and Daniella are sisters who have always shared book recommendations and discussed books they read.

Evelyne Crowe

I have always scribbled stories.

I don’t know what made me decide to get serious about it. Probably sheer boredom now that my kids are both in school full time, maybe the desire to go back to work, but not really go back to work. Which is really funny because writing is harder than anything I’ve ever done before, even teaching. Maybe especially teaching.

I have spent the last ten years being a mom and a homemaker. Prior to that I was an English teacher with a Masters degree. Before that I worked with animals in both rescues and animal hospitals. Kids and animals, those are pretty much the two core elements of my skill set. But deep down? When I look back at my 41 years and wonder, what would I have done if I did everything over? I would have taken that tractor driving course at UC Davis, for one, and I would have started writing a hell of a lot earlier. So here I am, starting over again, embracing the new, and embarking on the independent publishing journey. Thank you for coming with me; welcome to my home, my lovelies.

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Daniella Drake

An author, a copy editor, and a voracious reader, I have always loved stories in any format.

Movies? Of course. Television? Absolutely. Podcasts? You bet. Books? Books are, and will forever be my first love.

For the last several years I have been working in production finance in the entertainment industry. It has been a fascinating side quest, but when covid hit I started to re-evaluate my priorities. I had been working ten, sometimes twelve, hour days for many years leaving me with no time to work on my own projects. I decided I did not want to be on my deathbed lamenting all the work I did for others while not doing anything for myself.

So, here I am. I am so excited to be here!

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